23 November 2023

A bit of a hiccup

It's been a stressful week with a couple of trips to the vet for Boris, somehow he injured his hip which resulted in him being so much stiffer and lamer than usual, he was given the tried and tested opioid fuelled molotov cocktail of painkillers which soon had him feeling a lot more comfortable, on his return today he was feeling much better and the vet was able too move his hip without resistance
A head shot of Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel in the car looking at the camera as we're about to set off to the vets
Photo Description - A head shot of Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel in the car looking at the camera with a slightly sad look on his face as he's in pain and we're just about to set off to the vets to check it out

I've accepted that Boris will probably never be fully sound again since his elbow fracture, the strain of that

09 November 2023

Cute Critters

I had a spare hour to myself yesterday afternoon and decided I'd give it a try at making a cartoon image of the boys together and hopefully create ourselves a new a Blog Badge. We've had our current badge for approx 5 years now and it's so basic, although easily recognisable

Boris was fairly easy to generate being a solid black, but it took me several attempts to get Eko's face markings anywhere near what he looks like in real life, but try as I might I struggled to get Eko's cute white paw, if I did manage to get his white paw I'd then lose the white blaze on his face, it was really strange how it had to be one or the other and not both

A cartoon image of a Black Cocker Spaniel and a Golden Cocker Spaniel playing in a muddy puddle and looking at each other, with the words Two Crazy Cockers written in white acros the bottom. The colours are very bright and loud which is common with cartoons
Photo Description - A cartoon image of a Black Cocker Spaniel and a Golden Cocker Spaniel playing in a muddy puddle and looking at each other, with the words Two Crazy Cockers written in white across the bottom. The colours are very bright and loud which is common with cartoons 

Eventually I decided that as it's a cartoon it's a representation of the boys and didn't have to be an exact match, eventually I came up with an image that I really liked but

04 November 2023

Freaky Friday

Who remembers the film Freaky Friday with Jodie Foster from way back in the dark ages of the 1970's
How I loved that film when a mother and daughter switched places for the day, yesterday felt very much like my very own Freaky Friday as I dropped dad off for his first day at the Adult Day Care Centre  for people with dementia

Head shot of Eko the Golden Cocker Spaniel and Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel looking directly at the camera, this was taken back in the summer when the trees were still green and the ground was dry
Photo Description- Head shot of Eko the Golden Cocker Spaniel and Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel looking directly at the camera, this was taken back in the summer when the trees were still green and the ground was dry

I've been so worried about how dad would cope with it all, would he make friends, would he get upset and most importantly would he feel abandoned, but I also know a big part of dads anxiety and stress is caused by his recent lack of mobility and therefore interaction with other people on top of adjusting to his Alzheimer's diagnosis

Dad agreed to go on the understanding that I'd pick him up straight away