20 January 2013

Photo of The Week

Team Lloyd


Brrrrrr It's Cold Out Here

I love the snow which you can read all about here, but after a while it just gets too cold to be much fun for this old pup.

Badger Boo's Daft Adventures

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19 January 2013

I Love Snow

It's here, the snow has arrived! 
I'm so excited, I just love the snow, don't you? I can't wait to start playing in it **sits impatiently** but we have to do the photo posing first **resigned sigh**

We are so lucky, behind our house is a private lane, the most ideal place to play in the snow, as nobody drives down it. So off we head, but before the fun can begin we has to do the photo posing again **sigh** me and daddy knows better than to argue with mummy about this, she is the Boss after all...

I don't normally allow the hoomans to be in the pictures with me, as they are weird looking things standing there on their two legs, they spoil the pictures of Me! 
But as they don't distract you from my cuteness in these, I decided to make an exception this time, I know I'm getting soft in my old age.

Me and Daddy
Me and Mummy

I think mummy looks a bit like Father Christmas with her big red coat on **muffled giggles behind paws** but shhhhh don't tell her I said that, she will not be happy BOL.

 As you can tell I wanted to get off and play so I wouldn't look at the camera, this picture posing was taking far too long for my liking when there is snow to play in!

Oh No, guess what?
They forgot to bring the ball! 
So I chasing things called snowballs, it was great fun. 

Where do they go?

I wasn't able to pick up a single one of them, which was a little frustrating and very confusing.

Then I found a stick to play with, and mummy told me to LEAVE IT in a massive voice that made me jump. I know I'm not allowed to play with sticks as they are dangerous, I think as they forgot to bring my ball it was a little unfair, but we have to humour the hoomans don't we? They likes to think they control us, so it was back to the silly old snowballs again. 

Before I knew it I was covered in snow, they kept kicking snow towards me, which was fun to run into. 

They kept throwing them silly snowballs at each other and making lots of noise and laughing, so I joined in barking my head off, we had so much fun, I wish we had snow so much more often in this country.

The one problem with short legs in the snow is snow bobbles, yes they look funny, but they aren't very nice at all. They make my fur pull and it can get sore if  I'm left too long with them. 

Sadly snow bobbles always dictate the end of our fun. My hoomans always have my welfare at heart, so back home we went and into my nice warm towel bag to defrost.

If I'm lucky the snow will still be here tomorrow for another game.

Badger Boo's Daft Adventures

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16 January 2013

It Wasn't Me!

Ooooo Hello mummy **gulp**

I woke up and there it was, I really don't know what happened here **scratches head**

Badger Boo's Daft Adventures

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13 January 2013

Mud, Mud Glorious Mud

I wanted to play in the mud with the piggies, but hoomum wouldn't let me **resigned sigh**

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Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

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06 January 2013

Jumping for Joy

Badger Boo's Daft Adventures

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