05 March 2023

The Bestest Boy

Eko is amazing and I really haven't talked about just how amazingly clever he is often enough

When he was younger he was always up to mischief and his antics soon caste him the naughty one of the two

Yet Eko is highly intelligent and as he approaches his 5th birthday later this month he's now a well rounded pup and an absolutely amazing assistance dog in training

Photo Description:- Eko the Golden Cocker Spaniel sitting pretty on a woodland path, he's looking up at the camera with his front paws raised up together and the most adorable cute look of happiness on his face as he waits for his treat

Unfortunately Eko's assessment to join our chosen organisation was postponed because of COVID and Lockdown, but behind the scenes his training has continued

Then life took over with my mums stroke in April 2021 and subsequent diagnosis of vascular dementia and now my dad's own decline in health

Hopefully we'll be able to book Eko in for another assessment later this year, once things have settled down with my parents health

For now Eko's training will continue and I'm looking forward to showing you just how far he's come from that naughty young pup that everyone knows and loves

Eko the Golden Cocker Spaniel sitting pretty on a woodland path, he's looking up at the camera with his front paws raised up together and the most adorable cute look of happiness on his face as he waits for his treat  Unfortunately Eko's assessment to join our chosen organisation was postponed because of COVID and Lockdown, but behind the scenes his training has continued  Then life took over with my mums stroke in April 2021 and subsequent diagnosis of vascular dementia and now my dad's own decline in health  Hopefully we'll be able to book Eko in for another assessment later this year, once things have settled down with my parents health  For now Eko's training will continue and I'm looking forward to showing you just how far he's come from that naughty young pup that everyone knows and loves   Photo Description:- Eko the Golden Cocker Spaniel and Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel sitting side by side in a playing field looking directly at the camera
Photo Description:- Eko the Golden Cocker Spaniel and Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel sitting side by side in a playing field looking directly at the camera 

For those that wish to celebrate Eko's 5th birthday later this month we do have an Amazon Wishlist nothing is expected but gifts are always gratefully received and acknowledged

Most of Eko's early journey will be caught up with in our mini series of stories when I find the time to edit all the drafts already written, how many of us have loads of draft posts yet to be posted I wonder?

Dawn xxx

If you love online Jigsaw Puzzles check out our latest puzzle here of this weeks photo(s) 

This Post is linked too:- 
Brians Thankful Thursday 



  1. Such beautiful, beautiful pups they are!

    1. Thank you so much for that lovely compliment xxx


Thank you for stopping by to say Hello xxx