17 March 2023

Vets and Physio

Poor Eko has been unwell on an off for a couple of weeks with a very upset tummy which is very out of character for him

I immediately started adding some probiotics to his food, this usually helps to clear an upset tummy up in no time if he's eaten something on a walk he shouldn't have

This time the probiotics didn't help so I asked for some advice from the Vidivet app that we use to ask questions when I'm not sure if the boys need to go to the vet or not, I was advised on this occasion that yes Eko should go and see our own vet the next day because of the symptoms I'd described

An appointment was made and our vet found that Eko had a slightly raised temperature and a very tender abdomen. Eko has some type of colitis going on and was prescribed a 5 day course of wormer that's different to his usual one, I also had to collect three days worth of stool samples to send off for analysis

As I write this we've not yet had the results back, but Eko is now feeling a whole lot better, his temperature is now back to normal and his motions are greatly improved, although not back to the normal that you'd expect for a raw fed dog

Eko the Golden Cocker Spaniel laying with his chin on a white plastic tub with a pink label that says "Dorwest Tree Barks Powder
Eko the Golden Cocker Spaniel laying with his chin on a white plastic tub with a pink label that says "Dorwest Tree Barks Powder"
I've seen some great reviews on the Dorwest Tree Barks Powder for calming dogs with upset tummies and decided it was time to order some to add to our first aid kit, ready for the next time one of the boys has an upset tummy

Hopefully the sample results don't show up anything nasty, I'm not a great fan of the wait and see approach preferring to get any testing needed straight away, that way if anything is wrong it's picked up at the earliest opportunity

If you're interested in trying out the Vidivet app use our discount code BORIS25 for 25% off your first years subscription here 

Boris saw his physiotherapist yesterday for a much needed and well overdue massage, since his spectacular zoomies racing around in the snow he's been very painful in his front legs

He's not lame exactly but unlevel, occasionally he'd miss step and limp then it would disappear again and I'd be left scratching my head wondering if I'd seen what I thought I did, or was I imagining it

Boris's biggest tell that he's in pain is that he starts to bunny hop with his back legs together when running, it's really hard to describe but easily spotted when you know what to look for

Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel sitting on a woodland path looking directly up at the camera with his mouth open and a goofy look on his face
Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel sitting on a woodland path looking directly up at the camera with his mouth open and a goofy look on his face
When Sam arrived we went outside to trot Boris up and down on the pavement so that Sam could video his movement and we could watch it back in slow motion to see exactly where the problem was

The silly billy known as Boris had really overdone it and strained his shoulders when galloping flat out and going for it in the snow the other day

Most of yesterday's session was spent freeing up Boris's shoulders before moving onto the rest of him. Boris hasn't seen Sam since the middle of January just before he had his surgery

We missed seeing Sam in February as Boris needed 6 weeks to recover from his surgery and then I was busy with dad's daily radiotherapy treatments, so yesterday was the soonest we both had a spare  window free in our calendars

We'll take it easy with Boris's exercise over the next couple of days as he may still feel a little tender, but he'll soon be back to chasing around after Eko and barking his head off for all to hear him having fun

Dawn xxx

If you love online Jigsaw Puzzles check out our latest puzzle here of this weeks photo(s)

This Post is linked too


  1. Oh dear ~ two little puppers in need of some extra T.L.C. Wishing them both well ...

    1. Thank you so much, both boys are feeling so much better this week and the tests revealed no nasty infections in Eko's tummy which was such a relief, apologies for my tardy reply xxx

  2. Sending lots of distant reiki healing energy to your family ~ fur persons and humans Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thank you so much Carol, apologies for my tardy reply, both boys are feeling so much better this week xxx

  3. We sure hope those two sweeties are all better super soon with no relapses.

    1. Thank you Brian, both boys are so much better now and not had any more nasty surprises of upset tummies, apologies for my tardy reply, life took over for a bit xxx


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